A Simply Lovely Day.
I was driving along a winding road just after the official midday sun when I started singing, "Jesus loves me this I know, 'cos the Bible tells me so.." I am blessed to know, also, because I have miracle after miracle and blessing after blessing. I am back in bed trying not to get too sick to ... My favourite place is home and I am home and it is just lovely because my glass chimes, although in a very protected spot, are chiming in the December wind. One of my bucket list items is likely to be completed soon enough. I shall tell you more about that when it happens. I am quite excited at the prospect. Today I told stories about dancing and my love for steel factories and steel and men who work with all that. Today I held the little girl; she was so happy to see me. Today I bought four new pencils. Today the sun is shining and the sky is blue. My window is clean again and I can keep tabs on my tree and life in it. My plants bloom ever on and I...