I am a little surprised that I can be so wrong.  Here's the thing, I thought I would know Denzel Washington's voice when I hear it.  I don't!

I started watching The Rainmaker, again, because I can.  I can't remember the story or who acts in it, but I remember I loved it.   So I am busy reformatting the page here, and the movie begins, and I could have sworn it was Denzel Washington speaking. I smiled.  I do like him.  I can listen and carry on here, but then I click back to the movie.  It is not Denzel Washington.  Just goes to show how wrong one can be, and be quite sure about it too,

Matt Damon, not Denzel Washington.

Joke. Difference between a "lady" and a lawyer, the lady will stop "extortion" after you are dead.

It's not funny, because it is not really true, and it is funny because even when you are dead you have to pay for stuff on earth and some in the afterlife.  "Death and taxes," Cause and effect.

For your edification, I give you Denzel Washington.

"Seek first the Kingdom of God, and all the rest shall be added unto you."

That is really true, but you might not believe it until you try it.

Love and Light my lovelies


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