
Showing posts from March, 2019


For some reason the world is quieter when everyone's lights are out. I can actually hear crickets tonight. Cars flash past on the main rood a block away, but not too many. The dogs are all quiet as well. My home has a soft look to it with just candles for light. The news of the week has been... Something I have been keeping track of is how many times Facebook gets bad mouthed by news anchors, (I can only speak of CNN since that's all I see), perhaps inadvertently, but if you tag it, you can't help but feel there is a move afoot to get rid of Facebook.  Someone wrote somewhere urging us to remove facebook from our devices.  Why? It is our voices/choices. It is one place we can speak, not always gracefully, I will admit, but then we are not always graceful anyway.  It does hold us accountable.  Woe to those who go bananas with their unthought out sentences in a flush of emotion. "Off with your head!" Someone will almost say and mean it. I have just watc...

The Cat and Sea Gulls.

The Cat, called, simply that sits, literally, on the mat. She meows up a treat more interested in meat. digs holes in my old legs rubs against the rail's pegs and a garden gnome is her love at home. She just needs a little bell, but it will be a hard sell. The sea is calm again today. No wind to toss and sway the tall palm tree down the way. Seagulls are gulling I'm sitting here mulling about the future culling of things I never would; I've attracted old and new wood that when polished smells so good. Downsizing isn't quite it. Letting go of just a little bit of clothes that still sit on the shelves untouched. It's not a job one can rush. There's even movies unwatched. I bet there are millions who would say "I wish I had your problems." Anyway ... The gulls have found supper today. While Granny hides chocolates away. Love and Light.


Nice little words. Simple as turds, occupy my day inbetween the big words I pray. Scrabble is it you see and the spelling be bee bea? was the thing you left me for and another wet faraway shore. Clearly it offended me some since it's what I do with none but myself to beat; it's harder. I'm smarter. One has to start somewhere I guess to water the mind and grow less slowly,  before moving out of mess into the Light and Love of the Divine. One can't go back, it is written in books, bigger than all the others with smart hooks albeit covered in colourful and happy looks. Onwards and upwards we must go, as eagles. Lessons learned. Hearts burned. Heads turned. Onwards and upwards is our way. Happy Day, my lovelies. Love and Light.


Alzheimer’s disease can be spotted through simple eye test


Monday comes and goes sometimes stepping on my toes, but always with a bit joy to toast and eat with real butter and red jam. The traffic plays nicer than in heat Everyone's happy to be beat to the front on the narrowing street, while AM2 567 talks about John Major. Hot water bottles are best for lying in the nest forgetting for a while, the test watching movies with nice songs. "They is my family they may be crazy but they are mine..." Love and Light


Writing has been difficult of late,  but my juices turned into ample spit  enough to swallow a pill. Laughing. The pink and white pills keep me sane.  While my words play games in my brain. But, at least, an absence of vicious pain. I travelled on-and-on with wonder, Through white flashings and thunder, With one thing and then some other. Sometimes a sharp kick from a blunder, Throws my coffee cup and stuff asunder This has been a busy round of summer. I've floundered beneath my many pillows Trying to ignore life's peccadilloes. It's a rough bout with invisible foes.  I've painted pictures in my head and pondered books I have read, and read. All this while lying quite still in my bed. Laughing, Love and Light