The Cat and Sea Gulls.

The Cat,
called, simply that
sits, literally, on the mat.
She meows up a treat
more interested in meat.
digs holes in my old legs
rubs against the rail's pegs
and a garden gnome
is her love at home.
She just needs a little bell,
but it will be a hard sell.

The sea is calm again today.
No wind to toss and sway
the tall palm tree down the way.
Seagulls are gulling
I'm sitting here mulling
about the future culling
of things I never would;
I've attracted old and new wood
that when polished smells so good.

Downsizing isn't quite it.
Letting go of just a little bit
of clothes that still sit
on the shelves untouched.
It's not a job one can rush.
There's even movies unwatched.
I bet there are millions who would say
"I wish I had your problems." Anyway ...
The gulls have found supper today.
While Granny hides chocolates away.

Love and Light.


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