For some reason the world is quieter when everyone's lights are out.
I can actually hear crickets tonight.
Cars flash past on the main rood a block away, but not too many.
The dogs are all quiet as well.
My home has a soft look to it with just candles for light.
The news of the week has been...
Something I have been keeping track of is how many times Facebook gets bad mouthed by news anchors, (I can only speak of CNN since that's all I see), perhaps inadvertently, but if you tag it, you can't help but feel there is a move afoot to get rid of Facebook.
Someone wrote somewhere urging us to remove facebook from our devices.
It is our voices/choices.
It is one place we can speak, not always gracefully, I will admit, but then we are not always graceful anyway.
It does hold us accountable. Woe to those who go bananas with their unthought out sentences in a flush of emotion.
"Off with your head!" Someone will almost say and mean it.
I have just watched a rather dusturbing mini-series called, Homecoming, with Julia Roberts. It has a sinister underbelly, but when watching the extra bits, the movie makers speak about memory ...
I get that it is part of the movie, but really, did they not understand their own story? I don't want to spoil it for anyone, but I got something entirley different from the movie.
It is more Bourne Idemtity than Bourne Identity.
But, then, I am fond of a theory that may or may not be a con-spy-or -racey.
I am enjoying Prime Video as an alternative to Netflix.
Love and Light
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