
Showing posts from May, 2017


I miss writing, but I am mostly speechless.  Capricorns love being know-it-alls.  But, when mad things happen, Capricorns hide. It's time to feed the soul and nurture the body. The terminal struggle with cigarettes persists. I am great at stopping and equally likely to chain smoke. I take vitamins.  I consider walking more, but aimless wandering doesn't suit me. I'm taking a break from my usual life to rest.  I expect to be indulging in a deeper spiritual endeavour, encouraging new friends and maybe learning new things. I feel a bit like a teenager.  Venturing out into the world alone. I shall enjoy visits from my grandson, but that definitely means the body is going to need more attention. And I need a solution to my snoring which my diplomatic daughter says isn't pleasant. Mid-year goals set.  Looking forward to the adventure. Love and Light.


When comedians stop, not Dylan Moran, of course, we will fight to the death for wine, cigarettes and common sense.  Well, he will. I'm not promising anything. Where was I?  Yes. Without comedians, I think we will be led down a dangerous road of ... wait for it ... religious extremism and all manner of not so nice adventures. I bet there isn't one comedian out there under the bombarded, drone infested skies.  Maybe a plumber. But no funny man. Political correctness has taken on because society is afraid of consequences.It is now just cover from the opponent for a sinister empty threat: Truth is unwelcome, even if it's funny. Try it and you die.   My studies in Kabbalah have taught me that political correctness is spiritual. One does not bad mouth the man in power. I don't indulge in President bashing. Unless deleting pictures of a sunburned contorted face is a kind of bashing.... I suppose it is.  Mia culpa. To quote from a movie, "Don't tease th...