By popular demand! I slept with my eyes open. It was recently brought to my attention that I will be turning 66 this December. I can't tell you how that feels. It's the strangest thing. I don't feel 66. I don't know what 66 is supposed to feel like. I stopped thinking about my age at 64. It's as if someone hit the pause button on time. But, in real time I am about to turn 66. I've considered myself informed, well read, conscious and as living on purpose, not by coincidence. But, I have been in a coma. Sleeping with my eyes open. I saw, I heard, I assessed and I considered. I judged, forgave, condemned, pardoned and adjusted, moved and swayed like a branch in the breeze trying to accommodate the un-functionality of soul without realizing that my soul was something apart from my body. I have been medicated to balance my bouncing mind. It keeps me awake all night sometimes. And when I do sleep, I dream I am do...