YELLOW COAT A roady song. I'm a roady and I am writing another song. I think Joan Baez was the wall flower's Bob Dylan. No offense to Joan Baez. A Wall flower could sing along. Her diction was better. Elocution was a value. I flowered on walls. No one talks about wall flowers these days unless they mean flowers growing on the wall in a basket or a climber. A barrage of more offensive terms have become familiar. Geek used to be a bad thing, now it's a good thing. No judgment either way, but society morphs. Different values for old connotations emerge all the time. It all starts in the school yard. School is a form of torture. The classroom is where humiliation, sleep deprivation, lights in your eyes, orders from the bad cop are screamed at you and then you pee your pants. If you react badly to this form of torture they send you to the head who beats you with a stick. OK. Back in the day. The playgroun...